BLASTN 2.2.24 [Aug-08-2010]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= DPGLEAN05170 (UTR included)
         (2242 letters)

Database: est 
           9484 sequences; 8,280,457 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

BF14_335_C4                                                           182   2e-45
BF01043B1E03                                                          129   2e-29
BF14_335_C2                                                           127   8e-29
BF01019A1H08                                                          123   1e-27
BF14_335_C5                                                           123   1e-27
BF01016B1E06                                                          117   8e-26
BF01049B1F01                                                          109   2e-23
BF01056B2D01                                                           84   1e-15
BF01016A2B02                                                           76   3e-13
BF01014B2F02                                                           74   1e-12
BF01045B1A06                                                           74   1e-12
BF01055B2A04                                                           70   2e-11
BF01017A1F03                                                           70   2e-11
BF01021A2B11                                                           68   7e-11

          Length = 1491

 Score =  182 bits (92), Expect = 2e-45
 Identities = 180/208 (86%), Gaps = 1/208 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 70   gcagccctagtaggctcgtttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtgga 129
            |||||||||| ||| ||| |||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||| ||
Sbjct: 1158 gcagccctagcaggatcgattcatatttggttaggtagagagaggagcttggaaagttga 1217

Query: 130  agtgaacgtttaatgcgcgttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtc 189
             |||| |||||||||||||| |||||  || ||||||||| ||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 1218 ggtgagcgtttaatgcgcgtaagataaaggccccttaaacctacacctgggtcgcaagtc 1277

Query: 190  ccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacccacagggttaa 249
            ||||||||| ||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||| ||| ||| || || ||| ||
Sbjct: 1278 ccaggcactgttgaagctcctct-cctgcaacgcgatggtccccgcaaccgcacggtgaa 1336

Query: 250  tccatgaaatgttgtgaggtttcgtctc 277
            |||||| |||| || ||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 1337 tccatggaatgctgagagttttcgtctc 1364

          Length = 830

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 2e-29
 Identities = 131/152 (86%), Gaps = 2/152 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 87  gtttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatgcg 146
           |||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| |||| |  |||| |||
Sbjct: 319 gtttcaaatttggttaggtagagagaggaccttggacagtggaggtgagcacttaacgcg 378

Query: 147 cgttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagc 206
           ||||||||||||| || |||||| ||  ||||||| |||||||||| ||||||||| | |
Sbjct: 379 cgttagataggggccctttaaacctatacctgggttgcaagtcccaagcactattggacc 438

Query: 207 tcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacc 238
           |||||| || ||||||  ||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 439 tcctctcccagcaacg--atggacccgtcacc 468

          Length = 1827

 Score =  127 bits (64), Expect = 8e-29
 Identities = 224/273 (82%), Gaps = 7/273 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 9    ctaaaagacttagacctatcaagaactaacatcagttcattcttgtaacgtgcagcagaa 68
            |||||| |||| | ||| || |||||||||| ||||||||||||  ||||| |  | |||
Sbjct: 1073 ctaaaatacttgggcctgtccagaactaacaccagttcattcttcgaacgtacttc-gaa 1015

Query: 69   agcagccctagtaggctcgtttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtgg 128
              |||| |||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||   |||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 1014 gacagctctagtaggttcgtttcaaatttggttagg---agagaggagcttggacggtgg 958

Query: 129  aagtgaacgtttaatgcgcg--ttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaa 186
            | |||| ||||   | ||||  ||||||||||| | ||||||| ||| |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 957  aggtgagcgttatgtacgcgagttagatagggg-ctcttaaacctacacctgtgtcgcaa 899

Query: 187  gtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacccacagggt 246
             ||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||||||   ||||||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 898  atcccaggcactgttgaagctcctctccctgcaacgcggcggacccggcacccgcacggt 839

Query: 247  taatccatgaaatgttgtgaggtttcgtctctt 279
             |||||||  || | |  |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 838  gaatccatagaaagctaagaggtttcgtctctt 806

          Length = 504

 Score =  123 bits (62), Expect = 1e-27
 Identities = 95/106 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 149 ttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagctc 208
           ||||||||| | ||||||||| ||| |||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 492 ttagataggagccccttaaacctacacctgggtcgcaactcccaggcactgttgaagctc 433

Query: 209 ctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacccacagggttaatccat 254
           |||| |||||||||| ||||||||||||||| || ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 432 ctctccctgcaacgcgatggacccggcacccgcacggtgaatccat 387

          Length = 1597

 Score =  123 bits (62), Expect = 1e-27
 Identities = 129/152 (84%), Gaps = 2/152 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 102  aggtagagagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatgcgcgttagataggggtc 161
            |||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| |||| |||||||||||||||||| |||||  
Sbjct: 1438 aggtagagagaggagcttggacggtggaggtgagcgtttaatgcgcgttagacaggggcg 1497

Query: 162  ccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaac 221
            |||||||| ||| |     |||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| | ||||| 
Sbjct: 1498 ccttaaacctacacnnnnntcgcaagtcccaggcactgttgaagctcctctccgtgcaaa 1557

Query: 222  gcaatggacccggcacccacagggttaatcca 253
            |  ||| ||||||||||| || ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 1558 g--atgcacccggcacccgcacggtgaatcca 1587

          Length = 606

 Score =  117 bits (59), Expect = 8e-26
 Identities = 117/134 (87%), Gaps = 3/134 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 88  tttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatgcgc 147
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||| |||||| ||||| |||| |||||||  |||
Sbjct: 323 tttcaaatttggttaggtagagagaggagattggacggtggaggtgagcgtttaa--cgc 266

Query: 148 gttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagct 207
           |||||||| ||| ||||||||| ||| |||||||||| | |||| |||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 265 gttagata-gggccccttaaacctacacctgggtcgctactccccggcactgttgaagct 207

Query: 208 cctctacctgcaac 221
           |||||  |||||||
Sbjct: 206 cctctctctgcaac 193

          Length = 840

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 2e-23
 Identities = 107/123 (86%), Gaps = 1/123 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 100 ttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatgcgcgttagatagggg 159
           |||||||||||||||||||||||| || || |||   |||||| | | ||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 708 ttaggtagagagaggagcttggacggtagaggtgggtgtttaacgggagttagatagggc 649

Query: 160 tcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgca 219
            |||||| || ||| |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 648 -cccttacacctacacctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactgttgaagctcctctccctgca 590

Query: 220 acg 222
Sbjct: 589 acg 587

          Length = 728

 Score = 83.8 bits (42), Expect = 1e-15
 Identities = 78/90 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 187 gtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacccacagggt 246
           ||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||||||| |  ||||||||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 166 gtcccaggcgctgttgaagctcctctccctgcaatgtgatggacccggcacccgcacggt 107

Query: 247 taatccatgaaatgttgtgaggtttcgtct 276
            ||| |||| ||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 106 gaattcatggaatgttgagaggtttcgtct 77

          Length = 780

 Score = 75.8 bits (38), Expect = 3e-13
 Identities = 77/90 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 148 gttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagct 207
           |||||||||||| | ||||| | ||| |||| ||||||| ||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 298 gttagataggggcctcttaagcctacacctgagtcgcaattcccaggcactgttgaagct 239

Query: 208 cctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcac 237
           ||||| ||| ||||||   |||||||||||
Sbjct: 238 cctctcccttcaacgcgcgggacccggcac 209

          Length = 623

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 1e-12
 Identities = 88/104 (84%), Gaps = 2/104 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 175 cctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccgg 234
           |||||||||||||||| |||| ||  |||||||||||| ||||||||||  |||||||||
Sbjct: 619 cctgggtcgcaagtcctaggcgctgctgaagctcctctccctgcaacgc--tggacccgg 562

Query: 235 cacccacagggttaatccatgaaatgttgtgaggtttcgtctct 278
           ||||| || |||  |||||   |||| || ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 561 cacccgcacggtgcatccactgaatgctgagaggtttcgtctct 518

          Length = 820

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 1e-12
 Identities = 61/69 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 184 caagtcccaggcactattgaagctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcacccacag 243
           ||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||||| |||||| || 
Sbjct: 748 caagtccaaggcactgttgaagctcctctccctgcaacacaatggaccccgcacccgcat 689

Query: 244 ggttaatcc 252
           ||| |||||
Sbjct: 688 ggtgaatcc 680

          Length = 830

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 2e-11
 Identities = 125/155 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 85  tcgtttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatg 144
           |||| ||| ||||||  |||||||||||||| | | ||  || ||||||| ||| ||| |
Sbjct: 324 tcgtatcataattggggaggtagagagaggaacgtcgaaggttgaagtgagcgtataacg 265

Query: 145 cgcgttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcactattgaa 204
           |||||||||| ||||  |||||||||||| ||||||| |||| |   ||||| | || ||
Sbjct: 264 cgcgttagatgggggctccttaaacttacacctgggtagcaaattataggcagttttaaa 205

Query: 205 gctcctctacctgcaacgcaatggacccggcaccc 239
           || ||||| |||||||||| ||||||  |||||||
Sbjct: 204 gcccctctccctgcaacgcgatggacttggcaccc 170

          Length = 782

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 2e-11
 Identities = 99/118 (83%), Gaps = 3/118 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 70  gcagccctagtaggctcgtttcaaaattggttaggtagagagaggagcttggacagtgga 129
           ||||||||||||   | ||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||||||  || |||||
Sbjct: 173 gcagccctagtacattagtttctaagttggttagatagagagaggagcttccacggtgga 232

Query: 130 agtgaacgtttaatgcgcgttagataggggtcccttaaacttacgcctgggtcgcaag 187
            |||| ||||||| |||| |||||||  |||||| ||||| ||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 233 ggtgagcgtttaacgcgcattagata--ggtccc-taaacctacacctgggtcgcaag 287

          Length = 729

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 7e-11
 Identities = 76/90 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 108 agagaggagcttggacagtggaagtgaacgtttaatgcgcgttagataggggtcccttaa 167
           |||||||||||||||| ||||| |||| ||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||  |||| |
Sbjct: 373 agagaggagcttggacggtggaggtgagcgtttaacgcgtgttagatcggggcgccttca 432

Query: 168 acttacgcctgggtcgcaagtcccaggcac 197
           || ||| |||||||  | ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 433 acctacacctgggtgcccagtcccaggcac 462

  Database: est
    Posted date:  Jul 14, 2011  2:25 PM
  Number of letters in database: 8,280,457
  Number of sequences in database:  9484
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Sequences: 9484
Number of Hits to DB: 300,278
Number of extensions: 6839
Number of successful extensions: 6839
Number of sequences better than 1.0e-10: 14
Number of HSP's gapped: 6830
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 14
Length of query: 2242
Length of database: 8,280,457
Length adjustment: 17
Effective length of query: 2225
Effective length of database: 8,119,229
Effective search space: 18065284525
Effective search space used: 18065284525
X1: 11 (21.8 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
X3: 50 (99.1 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 34 (67.9 bits)