BLASTN 2.2.24 [Aug-08-2010]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= DPGLEAN12839 (UTR included)
         (2302 letters)

Database: est 
           9484 sequences; 8,280,457 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

BF01019A1H08                                                          161   6e-39
BF14_335_C2                                                           125   3e-28
BF01049B1F01                                                          109   2e-23
BF14_335_C4                                                           101   5e-21
BF01016B1E06                                                           92   5e-18
BF01016A2B02                                                           90   2e-17
BF01014B2F02                                                           88   7e-17
BF01044B1A07                                                           84   1e-15
BF14_335_C5                                                            74   1e-12
BF01043B1E03                                                           70   2e-11

          Length = 504

 Score =  161 bits (81), Expect = 6e-39
 Identities = 118/129 (91%), Gaps = 1/129 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 914  gagacgaaacttcttagcattcaatggatccatcgtgcgggtgccgt-tccgtcgcgttg 972
            |||| ||||| |||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 364  gagatgaaacctcttagcattcaatggattcaccgtgcgggtgccgggtccatcgcgttg 423

Query: 973  cagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttcaaggggcg 1032
            ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||| 
Sbjct: 424  cagggagaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggagttgcgacccaggtgtaggtttaaggggct 483

Query: 1033 cctatctaa 1041
Sbjct: 484  cctatctaa 492

          Length = 1827

 Score =  125 bits (63), Expect = 3e-28
 Identities = 100/111 (90%), Gaps = 1/111 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 914  gagacgaaacttcttagcattcaatggatccatcgtgcgggtgccgt-tccgtcgcgttg 972
            |||||||||| ||||||| ||| |||||| || |||||||||||||  |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 808  gagacgaaacctcttagctttctatggattcaccgtgcgggtgccgggtccgccgcgttg 867

Query: 973  cagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggtt 1023
            ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 868  cagggagaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggatttgcgacacaggtgtaggtt 918

          Length = 840

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 2e-23
 Identities = 71/75 (94%), Gaps = 1/75 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 968  cgttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttcaag 1027
            |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 587  cgttgcagggagaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggtgtaag 646

Query: 1028 gggcgcctatctaac 1042
            |||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 647  gggc-cctatctaac 660

          Length = 1491

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 5e-21
 Identities = 64/67 (95%), Gaps = 1/67 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 965  tcgcgttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttc 1024
            |||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 1312 tcgcgttgcagg-agaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttt 1254

Query: 1025 aaggggc 1031
Sbjct: 1253 aaggggc 1247

          Length = 606

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 5e-18
 Identities = 86/97 (88%), Gaps = 3/97 (3%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 969  gttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttcaagg 1028
            ||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||| |||| | |||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 193  gttgcagagagaggagcttcaacagtgccggggagtagcgacccaggtgtaggtttaagg 252

Query: 1029 ggcgcctatctaacatgcgttgatcgctcacctccac 1065
            ||| ||||||||||  ||||| | |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 253  ggc-cctatctaac--gcgttaaacgctcacctccac 286

          Length = 780

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 2e-17
 Identities = 69/77 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 966  cgcgttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttca 1025
            ||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| ||||||| |||||||||| | |
Sbjct: 222  cgcgttgaagggagaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggaattgcgactcaggtgtaggctta 281

Query: 1026 aggggcgcctatctaac 1042
            || ||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 282  agaggcccctatctaac 298

          Length = 623

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 7e-17
 Identities = 93/107 (86%), Gaps = 3/107 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 914  gagacgaaacttcttagcattcaatggatccatcgtgcgggtgccgt-tccgtcgcgttg 972
            |||||||||| ||| |||||||| ||||| || |||||||||||||  |||   ||||||
Sbjct: 519  gagacgaaacctctcagcattcagtggatgcaccgtgcgggtgccgggtcca--gcgttg 576

Query: 973  cagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgta 1019
            ||||||||||| ||||| ||| |||| ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 577  cagggagaggagcttcagcagcgcctaggacttgcgacccaggtgta 623

          Length = 806

 Score = 83.8 bits (42), Expect = 1e-15
 Identities = 88/102 (86%), Gaps = 1/102 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 918  cgaaacttcttagcattcaatggatccatcgtgcgggtgccgt-tccgtcgcgttgcagg 976
            |||||||||| ||| |||||||||| || |||||||||| ||  ||| |||||| |||||
Sbjct: 431  cgaaacttctcagcgttcaatggattcaccgtgcgggtggcgggtccatcgcgtggcagg 490

Query: 977  gagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgt 1018
            ||||||| ||||||| ||| |||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 491  gagaggagcttcaactgtgtctgggactcgcgaaccaggtgt 532

          Length = 1597

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 1e-12
 Identities = 80/96 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 970  ttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttcaaggg 1029
            ||||| |||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||     ||||||||| |||| 
Sbjct: 1556 ttgcacggagaggagcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgannnnngtgtaggtttaaggc 1497

Query: 1030 gcgcctatctaacatgcgttgatcgctcacctccac 1065
            || ||| ||||||  || || | |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 1496 gcccctgtctaacgcgcattaaacgctcacctccac 1461

          Length = 830

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 2e-11
 Identities = 83/99 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 968  cgttgcagggagaggatcttcaacagtgcctgggacttgcgacccaggtgtaggttcaag 1027
            |||||| |||||||||  | ||| ||||| |||||||||| |||||||| |||||| || 
Sbjct: 454  cgttgctgggagaggaggtccaatagtgcttgggacttgcaacccaggtataggtttaaa 395

Query: 1028 gggcgcctatctaacatgcgttgatcgctcacctccact 1066
            |||| ||||||||||  ||||| |  |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 394  gggcccctatctaacgcgcgttaagtgctcacctccact 356

  Database: est
    Posted date:  Jul 14, 2011  2:25 PM
  Number of letters in database: 8,280,457
  Number of sequences in database:  9484
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Sequences: 9484
Number of Hits to DB: 351,515
Number of extensions: 8913
Number of successful extensions: 8913
Number of sequences better than 1.0e-10: 10
Number of HSP's gapped: 8909
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 10
Length of query: 2302
Length of database: 8,280,457
Length adjustment: 17
Effective length of query: 2285
Effective length of database: 8,119,229
Effective search space: 18552438265
Effective search space used: 18552438265
X1: 11 (21.8 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
X3: 50 (99.1 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 34 (67.9 bits)