BLASTN 2.2.24 [Aug-08-2010]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= DPGLEAN21258 (UTR included)
         (1561 letters)

Database: est 
           9484 sequences; 8,280,457 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

BF14_736_C1                                                           196   7e-50
BF01054B2B08                                                          135   2e-31
BF01052B2H04                                                          135   2e-31
BF01031B1D09                                                          133   9e-31
BF01059A2H01                                                          123   9e-28
BF01011A1B08                                                           98   5e-20
BF01059B2F03                                                           96   2e-19
BF01020B1H07                                                           80   1e-14
BF14_2467_C1                                                           78   5e-14
BF01026A1A12                                                           72   3e-12
BF14_2193_C1                                                           68   5e-11

          Length = 796

 Score =  196 bits (99), Expect = 7e-50
 Identities = 164/183 (89%), Gaps = 2/183 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 541 ccttgatttttgaggaaaaaggaaggggtgggaataagaaaattggaggaaagggagggt 600
           |||||||| ||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||| |||| | ||||||||| | | 
Sbjct: 796 ccttgattgttgag-aaaaagggaggggtgggaataaggaaatggcaggaaagggtgaga 738

Query: 601 atggggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagcca-taaaggctac 659
           | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 737 acgcggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactcattggacgaaacgcagccactaaagactac 678

Query: 660 ttcatgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcctatgttccag 719
           |||| |||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||| |||||| ||
Sbjct: 677 ttcacgccgatcttctgtgagagggtggtacttccccggtcgagccagcccatgttcgag 618

Query: 720 ctg 722
Sbjct: 617 ctg 615

          Length = 807

 Score =  135 bits (68), Expect = 2e-31
 Identities = 157/184 (85%), Gaps = 2/184 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 524 tgcggatgcgttgccaaccttgatttttgaggaaaaaggaaggggtgggaataagaaaat 583
           |||||||||||||||||||||| || || |||||   ||| |||||||||||||  | ||
Sbjct: 807 tgcggatgcgttgccaaccttggttgtttaggaagtggga-ggggtgggaataaagagat 749

Query: 584 tggaggaaagggagggtatggggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacg 643
            | ||||||||| ||| |  |||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 748 ggcaggaaagggtgggaacagggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactcatcgaacgaaacg 689

Query: 644 cagcca-taaaggctacttcatgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcga 702
           |||||| ||||| || ||| | ||||||||||||||||||| |  ||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 688 cagccattaaagactgctttacgccgatcttctgtgagaggctagtacatccccggtcga 629

Query: 703 gcca 706
Sbjct: 628 gcca 625

          Length = 668

 Score =  135 bits (68), Expect = 2e-31
 Identities = 238/288 (82%), Gaps = 5/288 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 436 ttttttatgtgaaaggtggctaacgagtagacggcttacattatgggcaggagtgaccgc 495
           |||||||||| ||||||||| |||||| ||||||| ||| |  ||||||| ||  |||| 
Sbjct: 159 ttttttatgttaaaggtggcaaacgagcagacggcctacttggtgggcagcagctaccgt 218

Query: 496 tgcccatggacatccgctacataaattttgcggatgcgttgccaaccttgatttttgagg 555
            ||||||||||| |||| |||    | |||||||||||||||||| |||| ||| | |||
Sbjct: 219 cgcccatggacacccgc-acaactctgttgcggatgcgttgccaagcttgttttat-agg 276

Query: 556 aaaaaggaaggggtgggaataagaaaattggaggaaagggagggtatggggaaagggcaa 615
           || | ||||||| ||||||||||  |||   |||||| || ||| || ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 277 aatagggaaggg-tgggaataagggaatgtcaggaaaaggtgggaatagggaaagggcaa 335

Query: 616 ccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccat-aaaggctacttcatgccgatcttc 674
           |||| ||||| ||| ||||||||||   |||| || |||||||||||||  |||| ||||
Sbjct: 336 ccggttctctgactcatcggacgaatt-cagcaattaaaggctacttcaaaccgagcttc 394

Query: 675 tgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcctatgttccagctg 722
           |||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||| |||||
Sbjct: 395 tgtgagagggtggtacttccccggacgagccagcccatgttcgagctg 442

          Length = 754

 Score =  133 bits (67), Expect = 9e-31
 Identities = 122/139 (87%), Gaps = 1/139 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 588 ggaaagggagggtatggggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagc 647
           |||||||||||| |  ||||||||||  ||||||||||||||  ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 636 ggaaagggagggaaaagggaaagggccgccggctctctcactcgtcggacgaaacgcagc 577

Query: 648 cataaa-ggctacttcatgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagcca 706
           |||||| |||||||||| ||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||| ||| ||| |||||
Sbjct: 576 cataaaaggctacttcacgccgatcgtctgtgagagggtggtacttgccccgtcaagcca 517

Query: 707 gcctatgttccagctgcag 725
           |||  ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 516 gcccttgttcgagctgcag 498

          Length = 865

 Score =  123 bits (62), Expect = 9e-28
 Identities = 96/106 (90%), Gaps = 1/106 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 604 gggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccat-aaaggctacttc 662
           ||||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||| ||| ||||||||| |||| ||||| |
Sbjct: 200 gggaaagggcaactggctctctcactcatcggaagaatcgcagccattaaagactactcc 259

Query: 663 atgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagc 708
           |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 260 atgccgatcttctgtgagagggtggtacttccacggtcaagccagc 305

          Length = 853

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 5e-20
 Identities = 98/113 (86%), Gaps = 1/113 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 604 gggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccataaagg-ctacttc 662
           |||||||||||| ||||| ||||| | ||| |||||||||||| ||| || | |||||||
Sbjct: 28  gggaaagggcaaacggctttctcattcatcagacgaaacgcagtcattaatgactacttc 87

Query: 663 atgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcctatgtt 715
           | ||||||||||||||||||| || ||||| ||| |||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 88  acgccgatcttctgtgagaggatggtacttgccccgtcgagccagcccatgtt 140

          Length = 703

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-19
 Identities = 82/92 (89%), Gaps = 1/92 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 626 cactaatcggacgaaacgcagccat-aaaggctacttcatgccgatcttctgtgagaggg 684
           |||| |||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 1   cactcatcggacgaaactcagccattaaaggctacttcacgccgatcttctgtgaggggg 60

Query: 685 tgttacttccccggtcgagccagcctatgttc 716
           || |  ||||||| ||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 61  tggtcattccccgctcgagccagcccatgttc 92

          Length = 733

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 1e-14
 Identities = 86/100 (86%), Gaps = 1/100 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 617 cggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccataaagg-ctacttcatgccgatcttct 675
           ||||| ||||| | ||| |||||||||||| ||| || | |||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 3   cggctttctcattcatcagacgaaacgcagtcattaatgactacttcacgccgatcttct 62

Query: 676 gtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcctatgtt 715
           |||||||| || ||||| ||| |||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 63  gtgagaggatggtacttgccccgtcgagccagcccatgtt 102

          Length = 1121

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 5e-14
 Identities = 88/103 (85%), Gaps = 1/103 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 608 aagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccat-aaaggctacttcatgc 666
           |||||||||||   |||||||| |||||||||||  ||||||| |||| |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 344 aagggcaaccgagcctctcactcatcggacgaaaaacagccattaaagactacttcacgc 285

Query: 667 cgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcc 709
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || |||| | ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 284 cgatcttctgtgagaaggtggtaattccacagtcgagctagcc 242

          Length = 759

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-12
 Identities = 88/103 (85%), Gaps = 3/103 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 608 aagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagccat-aaaggctacttcatgc 666
           |||||||||||||||||  ||| ||| |||||||  ||||||| ||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 503 aagggcaaccggctctc--actcatcagacgaaaaacagccattaaaggctacttcacgc 446

Query: 667 cgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagccagcc 709
           |||||||||| ||| ||||| || |||| | ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 445 cgatcttctgggagggggtggtaattccacagtcgagctagcc 403

          Length = 1301

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 5e-11
 Identities = 86/102 (84%), Gaps = 1/102 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 604 gggaaagggcaaccggctctctcactaatcggacgaaacgcagcca-taaaggctacttc 662
           |||||||||||||||||| | ||| | ||| ||||||||||||||| |  || |||||| 
Sbjct: 332 gggaaagggcaaccggctatttcattcatcagacgaaacgcagccattggagactactta 273

Query: 663 atgccgatcttctgtgagagggtgttacttccccggtcgagc 704
           | ||| || ||| |||||||| || |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 272 acgccaattttccgtgagaggatggtacttccccggtcgagc 231

  Database: est
    Posted date:  Jul 14, 2011  2:25 PM
  Number of letters in database: 8,280,457
  Number of sequences in database:  9484
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Sequences: 9484
Number of Hits to DB: 242,667
Number of extensions: 5851
Number of successful extensions: 5851
Number of sequences better than 1.0e-10: 12
Number of HSP's gapped: 5838
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 13
Length of query: 1561
Length of database: 8,280,457
Length adjustment: 17
Effective length of query: 1544
Effective length of database: 8,119,229
Effective search space: 12536089576
Effective search space used: 12536089576
X1: 11 (21.8 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
X3: 50 (99.1 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 34 (67.9 bits)