EST sequence of BF01023B2E02


Migratory profiles

A total of 40 monarch butterflies were used for the microarray analysis. Of the 40, 10 (5 male/5 female) were summer butterflies (designated as SUMMER) and 30 were migrant butterflies. The migrant butterflies were further divided into three groups: 10 (5M/5F) were untreated (FALL); 10 (5M/5F) were treated with methoprene (FALL METHOPRENE), which is a juvenile hormone analog and induces the development of reproductive organs in migrant butterflies; and 10 (5M/5F) were treated with vehicle (control) acetone (FALL VEHICLE).
For potential genes involved in oriented flight behavior, compare the summer group to each of the three fall groups; for the juvenile hormone-response genes, compare the summer and the fall groups, and the methoprene-treated and vehicle-treated migrants.

Normalized value of each individual408.8371.5733.8590.0566.4352.3353.2548.1468.9425.1
Mean value of each sex group534.1429.5
Mean value of all individuals481.8
Normalized value of each individual754.0756.81236.6811.9970.91008.7936.2896.71165.9971.6
Mean value of each sex group906.0995.8
Mean value of all individuals950.9
Normalized value of each individual470.2522.4647.9552.3627.6886.3720.31185.1651.61045.2
Mean value of each sex group564.1897.7
Mean value of all individuals730.9
Normalized value of each individual586.01016.3737.6729.4692.6536.1924.2908.8992.31156.6
Mean value of each sex group752.4903.6
Mean value of all individuals828.0