Queried GO terms:

  idGO:0002287   Detailed information
  namealpha-beta T cell activation involved in immune response
  def"The change in morphology and behavior of an alpha-beta T cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149 "Fundamental Immunology"]
  synonym"alpha-beta T cell activation during immune response" RELATED [GOC:tb]
  synonym"alpha-beta T lymphocyte activation during immune response" RELATED []
  synonym"alpha-beta T-cell activation during immune response" RELATED []
  synonym"alpha-beta T-lymphocyte activation during immune response" RELATED []
  is_aGO:0002286 ! T cell activation involved in immune response
  is_aGO:0046631 ! alpha-beta T cell activation
  intersection_ofGO:0046631 ! alpha-beta T cell activation
  intersection_ofpart_of GO:0006955 ! immune response

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