id | GO:0030870   Detailed information |
  name | Mre11 complex |
  namespace | cellular_component |
  def | "Trimeric protein complex that possesses endonuclease activity; involved in meiotic recombination, DNA repair and checkpoint signaling. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the complex comprises Mre11p, Rad50p, and Xrs2p; complexes identified in other species generally contain proteins orthologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw, PMID:11988766, PMID:17674145] |
  synonym | "MRN complex" EXACT [] |
  synonym | "MRX complex" EXACT [] |
  synonym | "Rad50 complex" EXACT [] |
  synonym | "RAD50-MRE11-NBN complex" EXACT [CORUM:2767] |
  synonym | "Rad50-Rad32-Nbs1 complex" EXACT [] |
  synonym | "RMX complex" EXACT [] |
  is_a | GO:0043234 ! protein complex |
  is_a | GO:0044428 ! nuclear part |