Queried GO terms:

  idGO:0050866   Detailed information
  namenegative regulation of cell activation
  def"Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cell activation." [GOC:ai]
  synonym"down regulation of cell activation" EXACT []
  synonym"down-regulation of cell activation" EXACT []
  synonym"downregulation of cell activation" EXACT []
  synonym"inhibition of cell activation" NARROW []
  is_aGO:0048523 ! negative regulation of cellular process
  is_aGO:0050865 ! regulation of cell activation
  intersection_ofGO:0065007 ! biological regulation
  intersection_ofnegatively_regulates GO:0001775 ! cell activation
  relationshipnegatively_regulates GO:0001775 ! cell activation

No monarch genes has this GO term.