Queried GO terms:

  idGO:0050906   Detailed information
  namedetection of stimulus involved in sensory perception
  def"The series of events involved in sensory perception in which a sensory stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:ai, GOC:dph]
  synonym"sensory detection of stimulus" EXACT []
  synonym"sensory perception, sensory transduction of stimulus" EXACT []
  synonym"sensory perception, stimulus detection" EXACT []
  synonym"sensory transduction" EXACT []
  is_aGO:0051606 ! detection of stimulus
  intersection_ofGO:0051606 ! detection of stimulus
  intersection_ofpart_of GO:0007600 ! sensory perception
  relationshippart_of GO:0007600 ! sensory perception

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