Queried GO term:

  idGO:0031324   Detailed information
  namenegative regulation of cellular metabolic process
  def"Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways by which individual cells transform chemical substances." [GOC:mah]
  is_aGO:0009892 ! negative regulation of metabolic process
  is_aGO:0031323 ! regulation of cellular metabolic process
  is_aGO:0048523 ! negative regulation of cellular process
  intersection_ofGO:0065007 ! biological regulation
  intersection_ofnegatively_regulates GO:0044237 ! cellular metabolic process
  relationshipnegatively_regulates GO:0044237 ! cellular metabolic process

No monarch genes has the input GO term: GO:0031324.